visual arts program

2015 Hallie Ford Fellow

Ben Buswell


(Left to Right) The Same River (Celilo) (detail), 2015. Embellished Lambda prints, artist frames, 18 x 240 x 4 in (20 individual frames). Horizon Mother (detail), 2015. Embellished Lambda prints, 90 x 96 x 4 in. Photo: Evan La Londe

Ben Buswell’s sculptural work spans diverse media, encompassing ceramics, metals, resins, incised photographs and more.

He subjects these materials to physical processes such as scratching, piercing, melting and tearing, wherein the accumulated small, repetitive gestures build into a complex whole. Ben Buswell received his Master of Fine Arts from the University of Wisconsin at Madison and Bachelor of Fine Arts from Oregon State University. Buswell received a 2018 Individual Artist Fellowship from the Oregon Arts Commission. Notable solo exhibitions of his work include Upfor, Portland, Oregon; Samuel Freeman, Los Angeles, California; CoCA, Seattle, Washington, The Art Gym at Marylhurst University, and TILT Gallery and Project Space in Portland, Oregon. His work was included in Portland2012: A Biennial of Contemporary Art presented by Disjecta Contemporary Art Center, the 2016 BAM Biennial, Bellevue Art Museum, Bellevue, Washington, and the 2006 Oregon Biennial at the Portland Art Museum.



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