Supporting learners of all ages
We envision a future in which all rural young people experience educational success.
Education has always been at the top of The Ford Family Foundation’s priorities. We invest in high-quality, affordable early childhood education all the way to our scholarship programs, which have helped thousands of aspiring college students achieve their dreams.
Our emphasis is on ensuring that children and their families benefit from targeted support across two key transitions — from the early years to the schoolroom, and from K-12 to educational and career opportunities after high school.

What we prioritize
Early childhood education allows children to develop the habits, skills and healthy brains that will help them succeed academically as they enter their K-12 school pathway.
P-3 alignment helps children and families transition from early childhood education settings to more structured classrooms. This ensures children can read independently, problem solve and manage their social-emotional needs.
Supports and pathways build K-12 students’ knowledge, skills and awareness to plan for life after high school and to improve their long-term economic opportunities.
Postsecondary completion for students, especially those who are the first in their families to attend and complete college, improves economic and social outcomes for them and their families.
Early childhood education
A strong start sets the course for a child’s learning trajectory. Much has been learned about how early childhood educational settings, child care as well as preschools, can be designed to promote positive academic and social-emotional development. Bringing those best practices to rural settings is one of our highest priorities.
More to explore

Supporting Rural Students in Oregon in High School and Beyond
In the past five years, the gaps between rural and nonrural high school students enrolling in college have continued to grow. To reach Oregon’s postsecondary attainment goals, the trend needs to change. This report analyzes rural college success data and concludes that we can narrow the gap.

Back to school in Roseburg Public Schools
Expanded summer learning opportunities in 2021 helped students across rural Oregon get both the academic credits they need to graduate in four years and reconnect to learning in a school environment.

SELECTBOOKS: Of Boys and Men
“This timely book addresses challenges boys and men face in education and beyond—using data and research to prompt conversations and policy solutions.”
— Denise Callahan, Director – Postsecondary Success